We help pastors
move forward.

Welcome to Live Beloved.

The mission of Live Beloved is to cultivate resiliency in the lives of pastors. We are laser focused on improving the wellbeing of pastors. We lead with hope and come alongside as a trusted guide and friend. We look forward to the opportunity to walk with you as you seek to Live Beloved.

“One of the most remarkable things about human beings is how resilient we can be. Yet one of the most surprising things about human beings is how all that resilience can evaporate in a moment.” –  John Eldredge

Our Channels of Engagement

We seek to develop resiliency in the lives of pastors through three primary channels of engagement.


Through one on one and group coaching, we help pastors move forward from where they are to where they want to be while living a life beloved by God.


We write words that seek to encourage and nurture the inner work that God is doing in all of our hearts. We regularly share columns at the link below!


We offer talks and discussions on the topic of living a beloved life. Words have the power to create worlds, and we hope that the words spoken will inspire and uplift.

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Chad McCallum for more than 30 years. I can confidently say that he has a deep love for Jesus, the local church, and pastors.
It brings me great joy to recommend him and
the work of Live Beloved to you."

You do not need to walk alone.

One way that we cultivate resilience in pastors is through personalized support. At Live Beloved, you’re not just a client, you’re a friend. Reach out and let’s connect today.